Boulder Recovery Statement of Faith

Boulder Recovery Statement of Faith

Our Mission:  

Porn and Sex addiction tears open chasms of hurt and pain between men and all of the most meaningful parts of their lives. Damage is done to their families, their relationship with their Creator and their own unique identity.

The mission of Bolder Recovery is to return men to an authentic connection with God, others and themselves. In this way our team humbly participates in Jesus’ mission as he stated it Luke chapter 4… “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” 

Clinical and Professional Tools: 

We believe God’s heart is to heal and make broken things whole (Exodus 15:26, Psalms 147:3). As such, God has given the opportunity for humans to find healing through many avenues in this world, from lifesaving cancer treatments to ibuprofen for simple headaches. Some of the resources that God has guided humans to are empirically validated and effective therapeutic treatments for trauma, depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns. We believe that these techniques, tools and the research around them are not in conflict with God’s plan to heal but are, rather, a part of it.  

Keeping the main things, the main things: 

One of the beautiful truths of Christianity is that we have adoption as sons and daughters into the family God (Romans 8:15). As a cross-denominational recovery program, we believe that there is more that unites the family of God than divides us. Our program holds that we can find healing from addiction together in the Gospel and with the tools that God has provided us in this world without needing to agree on all theological details. Where disagreements persist, we encourage clients to connect with their valued traditions without needing to convince others in the program.    


The Trinity: 

We believe that God exists, and has existed eternally, as one God, in three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are each fully God. We believe that God’s mission is to spread the truth of his glory in the Gospel and to ultimately unite all things under Christ (Ephesians 1:10). 


The Bible: 

We believe that the Bible is essential for knowing ourselves and God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Our program is built on the foundation of a historic and orthodox understanding and interpretation of the Bible.  



We believe that humans were created to glorify, know and be in relationship with God (John 17:3, Isaiah 43:7). Therefore, the most human we can be is to be in a right relationship with him. Sin has disrupted this relationship. In spite of that, as creations of God, we are each important, loved by him and worthy of a healthy life.   

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