
What our Alumni have to say to anyone considering or coming to BAI:
"I arrived on Day One as an insecure broken man. I am leaving on Day 14 as a man who is learning to love himself and with great hope for the future. Trust the process!"
- BAI Alumni
"Give this your all and you will receive the best return on your investment… YOURSELF!!!"
- BAI Alumni
"Brothers, we know how you are feeling right now; scared, confused, angry, doubtful, lonely, depressed, rejected… We are just like you! However, we have gained tools that will help guide recovery much like you all will. Feeling your feelings and sensations will be very rough, you can do it! Embrace the journey!"
- BAI Alumni
"To future BAI’ers: Hope is real. Change is possible. Time is a gift, to ourselves and others. This is truly the beginning of a new life that can be embraced with each breath, each minute, and each day. I applaud my newfound brother’s courage and hard work and know that those who have yet to begin this journey will find the answers, tools, and belief in joy and positivity within themselves. Embrace the truth and trust the process."
- BAI Alumni

"This experience will be what you make of it. Embrace it – give it your all. These people will take you places you didn’t know you could go, but they will bring you to a place you need to be. I challenge you to let go and experience the process."
- BAI Alumni
"Came here skeptical and depressed but was able to become completely open and honest these past two weeks. I am leaving a new man because I was able to share everything with a great group of guys. I now feel confident and at peace with myself. You will get out of this program what you put in."
- BAI Alumni
"To those brave enough to face their inner demons and be at BAI, remember to stay in the moment. Drop all other burdens of the outside world and focus on yourself. It is okay to be stuck in your feelings."
- BAI Alumni