Begin Again Institute Programs

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Intimacy Disorder, Pornography Addiction, and Sex Addiction Treatment

Begin Again Institute programs offer specialized treatment for men with sex addiction, pornography addiction, and intimacy disorders. Each program takes place at our resort-like campuses with individualized treatment that helps you understand addiction and gain the skills you need to change your behaviors for good.

Begin Again Institute Program Options

Begin Again Institute programs combine evidence-based treatments with expert guidance to help you stop the behaviors damaging your life. You simply need to determine which program best fits your needs.

14-Day Men’s Intensive

Begin Again Institute’s 14-Day Men’s Intensive treats men with sexual addiction, pornography addiction, and intimacy disorders. The intensive program can help you jumpstart recovery by assisting you in understanding and addressing the root cause of your behaviors and then giving you the skills you need to stop making harmful decisions. 

Our 14-Day Men’s Intensive is on a beautiful private campus in Berthoud, Colorado, that’s full of amenities to help you heal in comfort.


14-Day Christian Men’s Intensive

Begin Again Institute’s 14-Day Christian Men’s Intensive focuses on treating men of faith with sexual addiction and intimacy disorders. This treatment addresses the unique burden that Christian men with these struggles face, helping them heal while repairing their relationship with God.

The Christian men’s intensive takes place in Longmont, Colorado, surrounded by the Rocky Mountains.


Partner Support Program

Begin Again Institute’s Partner Support Program helps your partner heal from the betrayal she experienced due to your behaviors. It assists her in learning how to deal with stressors, care for herself, and recover from the trauma of betrayal. The virtual program comes with each of our men’s programs at no additional cost.  

Betrayed Partners Intensives

Begin Again Institute partners with Bellevue Trauma Recovery Center to offer a dedicated intensive for betrayed partners, Resilience Through Betrayal. The intensive is for partners of men with intimacy disorders, pornography addiction, or sex addiction who’ve experienced betrayal trauma.

The six-day intensive is held on our Boulder, Colorado, campus.

Begin Again Institute’s Approach to Treatment

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Begin Again Institute programs all focus on stopping destructive behaviors by understanding and treating the root cause of addiction. To do this, we use the Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction (TINSA®) model. The model posits that trauma is the result of being injured while being vulnerable or authentic. 

To heal, you must identify the trauma and understand your automatic reaction to it. Then, you can make connections between the trauma and your responses. Once you understand these components, you can learn skills to stop the harmful behavior. 

Success Stories and Testimonials

“Begin Again Institute changed and saved my life. It was a great place to be introduced to recovery and gave me a running start. The staff there is empathetic, supportive, and compassionate as they walked alongside me as I uncovered things I swore I would never tell anyone. When I left I was equipped with tools that I never had before and a willingness to continue my journey of healing, one day at a time!

My story is a first-hand example of the great work that they are doing. Grateful to have had the experience and the opportunity. I highly recommend this program for anyone who is suffering and wants to change for the better!”
-Alex K
14 Day Men's Intensive

Consult with an Admissions Specialist today: 720.702.4608

Begin Your Healing Journey

Help is available, and healing is possible. Begin Again Institute offers confidential, specialized treatment for all men with sex addiction and intimacy disorders. Choose the best program for you and begin your healing journey today.

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