Sex Addiction Treatment

Close up photo of the legs of a couple on the bed

Recover from Sex Addiction at Begin Again Institute

Get Help for Sex Addiction

If sex addiction is destroying your life, Begin Again Institute is here to help. We can guide you to recovery from sex addiction at our luxury treatment center in Colorado. And if you’re interested in Christian-based treatment to help restore your faith, check out our Christian Men’s Intensive.

Our team of experts will help you uncover the root cause of the sex addiction and give you the skills you need to control your sexual urges. 

Couple sitting not looking at each other on bed having a problem

Understanding Sex Addiction

Sexual behavior becomes an addiction when it begins to harm you, but you still can’t control it. It might affect your relationships, career, health, and other aspects of your life. Living with a sex addiction is like living with a drug or alcohol addiction. Sexual thoughts consume your attention. The craving for sexual activity is so strong it makes you feel out of control. 

Symptoms of compulsive sexual behavior include:

  • Sexual behavior causes conflicts within relationships, at work, or within yourself
  • Feeling guilt and shame about your behaviors
  • Sexual activities are rarely satisfying because you always want more
  • Focusing on sexual activities and ignoring other aspects of your life

People with sex addiction experience a general loss of control and preoccupation with sexual activity. But there is help. With focused sex addiction treatment, you can stop these behaviors before they do more harm.

Approaches to Sex Addiction Treatment

Sex addiction treatment typically takes a two-pronged approach to recovery. The first step is to discover and heal any root causes for the behavior. The second is to redirect compulsive thinking to correct behavior. 

Begin Again Institute’s sex addiction treatment program uses the Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction model or TINSA®. TINSA is a neurobiological approach that helps clients understand the way their mind and body respond to trauma and helps them process that trauma. We combine this approach with various treatment modalities, depending on your unique needs.

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS), an evidence-based treatment for sexual addiction, helps clients identify the sub-personalities that make up their whole selves. Conflict between sub-personalities can lead to discord within the core self. 

For example, one sub-personality may want to be a moral, faithful partner. It may be in conflict with another sub-personality who engages in risky sexual behaviors with strangers. 


Brainspotting is an innovative treatment that helps resolve unprocessed trauma. This therapy posits that feelings can become trapped in the physical body. Specific techniques free trapped feelings and reset the brain’s reaction to painful events. 

The Value of Individualized Treatment Plans

Each person comes to treatment with their own unique perspectives and histories. Sex addiction treatment is not a one-size-fits-all experience. With your input, your clinical team will create an individualized treatment plan. Your plan will address your specific concerns and support your goals.

Treatment Options with Begin Again Institute

Begin Again Institute offers three sex addiction treatment programs, depending on your unique needs and the type of treatment you think best suits you. 

14-Day Men’s Intensive

The 14-Day Men’s Intensive provides a framework for healing unhealthy sexual behaviors. The program includes:

  • Trauma-focused therapy from licensed therapists specializing in sex addiction treatment
  • Education
  • Meals
  • Lodging
  • Access to staff 24/7
  • Transportation to group off-campus activities

The intensive is on a gorgeous private campus in a historic home in Berthoud, Colorado.

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14-Day Christian Men’s Intensive

The 14-day Boulder Recovery program is a Christian-focused intensive for men of faith with sexual addiction and intimacy disorders. The burden of sexual addiction can be even more challenging to talk about for men of faith. 

This program, located in Longmont, Colorado, offers the same amenities and therapeutic options as the 14-day BAI. However, it has a focus on building a stronger relationship with God.

Support for Loved Ones

Sexual addiction affects relationships on many levels. Partners of men with sex addiction experience betrayal and trauma. This trauma can not be overlooked if healing and recovery are to last. 

Our virtual Partner Support Program is free to the spouse of any man participating in one of our programs. Participants receive support from a trained program facilitator. Group support sessions and psychoeducation from a betrayal trauma specialist are also included.

The goals of the Partner Support Program are to help partners heal from betrayal. Specific issues include setting healthy boundaries, self-care, and learning self-regulation techniques. 

Success Stories and Testimonials

Getting Started with Sex Addiction Treatment

You don’t have to live with the shame, guilt, and damage to your life caused by sex addiction. Begin Again Institute offers evidence-based treatments proven to help you recover from sex or pornography addictions. Call us today at 720-702-4608 to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our treatment programs.


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