Understanding the TINSA® Model: Revolutionizing Sex Addiction Treatment

Man sitting on couch talking to therapist while he's writing notes in a room

In today’s hyper-sexualized world, the lines between pleasure, exploration, and addiction can blur dangerously fast. Millions of Americans struggle with compulsive sexual behaviors and pornography addiction. These addictions can lead to feelings of isolation, shame, and an endless cycle of seeking temporary relief through harmful choices. 

Traditional treatment models for sex addiction often focus on managing symptoms and behaviors. But these models leave the underlying “why” unanswered. By not addressing the root cause of sex addiction, they may only provide temporary relief, or at best, a life of anxious abstinence. So what’s the solution?

Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction (TINSA) is an innovative treatment model specific to Begin Again Institute. It views sex addiction as driven by past trauma and the effect it has on the brain. Therefore, the only way to overcome sex, pornography, or masturbation addictions, or other intimacy disorders is to identify and heal these underlying issues, not just the resulting behaviors.

What is the TINSA® Model?

Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction Therapy (TINSA®) is a revolutionary neurobiological treatment model for sexual addiction based on a decade of cutting-edge neuroscience research.

The model theorizes that the origin of sexual addiction lies in a damaged autonomic nervous system caused by early developmental trauma. 

It posits that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as abuse or neglect, can inflict lasting damage on the nervous system. Traumatic experiences at a young age can cause people to become dysregulated and disconnected from themselves and others.

In an attempt to regulate this damaged nervous system, some people turn to adverse coping mechanisms, like sex, to help self-soothe. This adverse coping can quickly become an addiction before they even realize it’s a problem.

TINSA aims to help you heal from addiction by understanding the reasons behind your behavior. It helps you overcome past experiences and learn the tools needed to regulate your nervous system and rebuild healthy neural pathways.

Core Principles of the TINSA Model

Traditionally, most sex addiction treatment models have focused on managing the symptoms of addiction. Their priority is stopping compulsive behaviors through abstinence and altering addictive thinking patterns.  

But while these models may help in the short term, they don’t address the root origin of the addictions. This means long-term recovery is less certain.

TINSA delves deeper than traditional models. It addresses the underlying trauma and its neurological impact. TINSA achieves longer-lasting recovery by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.

Core Principles of TINSA:

  • Trauma as the Root Cause. TINSA views compulsive sexual behaviors as symptoms stemming from unresolved trauma, typically from early life. This trauma damages the nervous system, leading to dysregulation and a need for self-soothing. Sexual activity becomes a temporary escape mechanism.
  • Developmental Impact. The model considers the impact of trauma throughout development. Early childhood experiences shape attachment styles, emotional regulation, and self-worth. These can later contribute to vulnerability to addiction.
  • Intimacy Disorder. TINSA claims that, at its core, sexual addiction is an intimacy disorder. Developmental trauma can cause a fear of abandonment, harm, or rejection in children. These feelings and experiences may lead to an inability to form authentic, vulnerable, and consistent bonds with others later in life.
  • Neurological Basis. The model emphasizes a neurological foundation of addiction. Trauma alters the brain’s reward system, causing the person to seek increasingly intense sexual activities to achieve the same level of gratification.
  • Emotional Dysregulation. TINSA highlights the role of emotional dysregulation in driving compulsive behaviors. Trauma-related triggers activate a “fight-or-flight” response, leading to intense cravings for sexual activity as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions.

The TINSA Treatment Process

During the treatment process, you’ll learn the root cause of the addiction and resolve it first. You’ll then learn how to cope positively and develop the skills, tools, and healthy coping mechanisms necessary to support your healing journey. 

The TINSA treatment model has three main stages:

  • Stage One. The first stage of treatment starts with education. You’ll learn how your autonomic nervous system works and how your brain was rewired due to trauma. You will then begin to identify and explore your own adverse experiences. Finding and healing the root cause of your addiction is the foundation of treatment.
  • Stage Two. The next stage is about letting go of self-reliance. You will meet and work with others in recovery. By practicing honesty and transparency, you will learn self-acceptance and begin letting others back in.
  • Stage Three. The final step is the long-term transition from self-regulation to consistent bonding and intimacy with others. You will practice your newly developed skills and develop more sustainable habits moving forward. 

“TINSA provides insights into the root causes of addiction, shifting the perspective from a perceived belief of being cursed at birth to a neurobiological process,” said Ed Tilton, President of Begin Again Institute. 

“It’s about recognizing that your addiction stemmed from neurobiological changes, not a flaw in your character. While this doesn’t absolve the impact of one’s actions, it opens the door to recovery by showing that change is achievable.”

At Begin Again Institute, we help you move through these stages using a variety of trauma-informed therapy techniques. These techniques are tailored to your unique needs and experiences.  

Trauma-informed treatment techniques include:

  • Brainspotting. A relatively new psychotherapeutic technique, Brainspotting involves focusing on specific eye positions (aka: brain spots) to access and process stored traumatic experiences. Brainspotting is particularly effective at helping you access repressed feelings and emotions that you may not be aware of yet.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy. DBT is a form of talk therapy that teaches you how to observe and process your emotions rather than reacting to them. It emphasizes mindfulness, distress tolerance, and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

Benefits of the TINSA Model

TINSA is an innovative and cutting-edge model for treating sex addiction. It brings a fresh, research-backed neurobiological perspective to the field of addiction treatment by looking at underlying trauma and its impact on the brain.

Benefits of the TINSA Model:

  • Holistic Approach. Unlike treatment models that only address the symptoms of addiction, TINSA also addresses the root causes of these symptoms. Working through the underlying causes can lead to deeper healing and a more successful recovery. This can reduce the likelihood of relapse in the future.
  • Individualized Treatment. The model treats addiction by looking at the specific past experiences of each individual. This ensures a more effective and personalized approach to treatment and healing.
  • Removes Stigma and Shame. Traditional treatment models often blame individuals for their addiction, leading to shame and guilt. TINSA understands that addictive behaviors start as an automatic reaction formed by trauma. The model encourages self-empathy and self-acceptance as crucial aspects of healing. It empowers you to change your behaviors and develop alternative coping mechanisms consciously.
  • Time Efficient. TINSA can help quickly jumpstart your recovery in as little as two weeks. Many other programs require at least a 30-45-day commitment. TINSA makes recovery more feasible for your busy schedule and life. 

Knowledge of your past offers the power to change,” Ed said. 

“It’s about recognizing that your behaviors became part of a compulsive loop, driven not by a fully formed choice but by changes in the brain linked to past experiences,” he stated. “No, you can’t change what happened to you in the past or the way you initially chose to cope with that trauma, but you can decide to write a different story for your future.”

Who Can Benefit from TINSA?

The model can greatly benefit anyone looking to heal their compulsive sexual behaviors — especially those who experienced trauma during their developmental years. So, it’s ideal for those looking for recovery from sex, pornography, or masturbation addictions, or other intimacy disorders.

Even if you think you haven’t experienced any adverse childhood experiences, it may still be worth considering TINSA. You may be unaware of the trauma that drives your addiction. Some people don’t remember trauma that occurred early in life. 

Working with a trauma-informed therapist can help bring any unconscious past experiences to light. Doing this allows you to address these experiences and begin your healing journey.

TINSA also has potential applications for couples. Understanding the underlying causes of your partner’s compulsive sexual behavior can help foster greater empathy and compassion. Shifting the focus away from blame can help you heal your relationship after sex addiction.

At BAI, we also offer a dedicated support program for partners. During the program, you will learn to process complicated emotions and begin to heal from betrayal trauma.

TINSA-Based Treatment for Sex Addiction at Begin Again Institute

At Begin Again Institute is the only sex addiction treatment center to use the TINSA model and to treat sex addiction from a neurobiological approach.

We understand that sex addiction is more than just behavior. In our 14-Day Men’s Intensive,  we seek to uncover what past experiences led to your addiction. By uncovering the root cause of your addiction, you can better understand how to overcome it.

If you’d like to receive sex addiction treatment with a focus on your Christian faith, our Boulder Recovery 14-Day Christian Men’s Intensive also applies the model.

Ready to better understand your addiction and commit to your healing? Contact Begin Again Institute today.

  • Category: Addiction
  • By Ed Tilton
  • February 22, 2024

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