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Getting Help for Pornography Addiction

Getting Help for Pornography Addiction
You want to stop, but you can’t. Instead, you’re taking greater risks and ignoring your daily responsibilities. You’re hiding your habit and feel immense shame. These are all signs you could be addicted to porn and need help for pornography addiction. Pornography can be as addictive as substances like drugs or alcohol. Much like drugs or alcohol, men turn to porn to cope with unresolved trauma or emotional pain. Excessive porn consumption begins to rewire the brain. At Boulder Recover, we offer help for pornography addiction designed for Christian men. We are committed to bringing lasting change and freedom from sexual addiction. That’s why we combine two treatment approaches — leading science on how the human brain responds to trauma and the renewal of new life offered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So while you may feel like you can’t stop today, there is help available.

What is Pornography Addiction?

The use of pornography among men, even Christians, is rampant. Various surveys estimate the percentage of men who regularly view porn between 60-80 percent. Despite being a sin, pornography is, unfortunately, a regular part of many men’s sex lives. But how does it become an addiction? Some men can watch porn and not become addicted. Other men develop a compulsive behavior around pornography. Again, pornography addiction is a lot like alcohol addiction in that some people can drink in moderation while others struggle with overuse. This is not a justification or an acceptance of the non-compulsive behavior. Pornography use has been proven to lower sexual satisfaction in marriage, lower general empathy, and support a larger culture of objectification and sexualization of women. Like a substance or alcohol addiction, compulsive behavior is frequently driven by emotional pain. Men who experienced emotional neglect, the loss of a parent, or physical or sexual abuse often carry the emotional scars of trauma into adulthood. These men may turn to porn as a coping mechanism because porn releases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurochemical that boosts pleasure and mood. As men continue to turn to porn for a dopamine hit, their pornography use starts to rewire their brains. The brain desires more and more dopamine, leading to compulsive porn consumption. The brain also begins to get desensitized to pornography — meaning you need to watch longer or more graphic videos to get the same level of release. three people hold hands, each with a bible in front of them opened. No heads are visible and only their clasped hands are showing

How Do I Know If I Need Help for Pornography Addiction?

When your porn habit becomes compulsive, it’s time to get help for porn addiction. So how do you know if you are dealing with compulsive sexual behavior?

Here are some of the common signs that you could use professional help for pornography addiction:

  • You can’t stop thinking about porn even while doing everyday activities like going to work or spending time with your family.
  • You have a desire to stop watching porn, but you feel like you can’t.
  • You’re spending an increasing amount of time watching porn or frequently lose track of how much time you’ve spent viewing pornography.
  • You often watch porn where you shouldn’t, like at work or school.
  • You’re embarrassed by your porn viewing and hide it from your partner.
  • You forgo important school, professional, or family obligations so you can watch porn.
  • You’re no longer satisfied with sex with your partner.
  • You spend increasing amounts of money on porn.
  • You’re watching more extreme videos to get the same high.
The bottom line is that if your pornography use negatively impacts your personal or professional relationships, mental health, or self-image, you could benefit from professional help.

How Can I Get Help for Porn Addiction?

Boulder Recovery specializes in helping men with pornography addiction. We designed our 14-Day Men’s Intensive program for Christian men struggling with sex, porn, and relationship issues and their impact on faith. The clinically innovative program uses the TINSA® treatment model (Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction) to heal the unresolved emotional wounds from traumatic experiences driving compulsive pornography viewing.

Frequently Asked Questions about Boulder’s Help for Porn Addiction

Is it really only 14 days?

We designed the program to help men struggling with porn addiction in a condensed period, so treatment has minimal interruption to your work, family, and finances. The program is live-in and limited to 12 men, so participants receive personalized treatment around the clock.

How do you incorporate faith and the Bible?

We believe God wants all people to live joyful and fulfilling lives. This full life is grounded in a deep understanding of the Gospel.
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:17
We know that pornography addiction is an illness that needs treatment. In helping treat the sickness of addiction, we hope to restore men’s connection with God and themselves. Jesus’ statement speaks to the reality that Jesus is not interested in carefully curated images of righteousness, but rather a right sized understanding of our need for Christ. This right view of our sinfulness draws us into an authentic relationship with God rather than shame fueled hiding through self righteousness. In Luke Chapter 4, Jesus proclaims, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19 Being trapped in compulsive sexual behavior is oppressing, as is being partnered with someone struggling with sex addiction. Our program is designed to help men rediscover freedom and their faith. In this way we partner with Jesus to proclaim the message and mission of God to those suffering from addiction and those dealing with it’s fallout.

Is the program personalized?

We use our extensive understanding of neurobiological research and a thorough personal assessment to create customized treatment goals for each participant. The program’s goal is for men to identify and understand how their lives are impacted by unhealthy sexual behaviors and work through unresolved trauma driving their compulsion. Then, through understanding and feeling through their trauma, men can begin to feel the pain of those affected by their addiction.

Where is the intensive located?

The program provides accommodations and meals in a beautiful and peaceful setting in Boulder, Colorado. Our private and secure location is near the Rocky Mountains, with clear views of the Continental Divide. Participants will spend time enjoying the nearby hiking trails and abundant wildlife.

How do you apply for the program?

Men interested in the program should sign up to receive a call or contact us for more information.
  • Category: AddictionChristian Therapy
  • By Lawrence Buddoo
  • June 1, 2021

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