Masturbation Addiction Treatment

man standing on a mountain looking out at the clouds

Recover From Masturbation Addiction at Begin Again Institute

Get Help for Masturbation Addiction

If masturbation addiction has taken over your life,  harming you and those you love, Begin Again Institute is here to help. We can guide you from masturbation addiction to recovery at our luxury treatment centers in Colorado. We even offer a Christian-based treatment option, Boulder Recovery, to help heal the addiction while restoring your faith.

Our team of experts will help you uncover the root cause of the addiction and give you the skills you need to control your sexual urges. 

Couple sitting on couch holding hands talking to a therapist writing notes

Understanding Masturbation Addiction

Sexual behavior becomes an addiction when it causes you harm, but you still can’t control it. It might affect your relationships, career, health, and other aspects of your life. Masturbation addiction is a type of sex addiction. Living with it is like living with a drug or alcohol addiction. Sexual thoughts consume your attention. If you aren’t masturbating, you’re thinking about when you can do it next. The craving is so strong, it makes you feel out of control. You may also feel a great deal of guilt and shame about the behavior, but you can’t stop, even when you try.

Symptoms of compulsive sexual behavior include:

  • Difficulty controlling sexual urges
  • Sexual behavior causes conflicts in relationships, at work, or within yourself
  • Feeling guilt and shame about your behaviors
  • Sexual activities aren’t satisfying because you always want more
  • Focusing on sexual activities and ignoring other aspects of your life
  • Needing increasingly more of the same activity to get an emotionally positive or satisfying feeling

Masturbation addiction is frightening, but there is help. With focused masturbation addiction treatment, you can stop the behaviors that are harming your life.

Approaches to Masturbation Addiction Treatment

Masturbation addiction treatment means discovering and healing the root cause of the behavior and then learning the skills necessary to stop the compulsive action that’s damaging your life.

Begin Again Institute’s masturbation addiction treatment programs use the Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction model or TINSA®. TINSA is a neurobiological approach that helps clients understand the way their mind and body respond to trauma and helps them process that trauma. We combine this approach with various treatment modalities, depending on your unique situation and needs.

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS) helps clients start to understand the parts of themselves that make up the whole, how those parts are reacting to their environments, and the process of uniting their full self in a healthy way.

Intergenerational Trauma Work

Genograms help clients see some of the ways that core values, narratives, and unspoken expectations were passed on through the family, often without their understanding or consent.


Brainspotting is an innovative treatment that helps resolve unprocessed trauma. This therapy posits that feelings can become trapped in the physical body. Specific techniques free trapped feelings and reset the brain’s reaction to painful events.

Treatment for Porn Addiction

Treatment Options With Begin Again Institute

Begin Again Institute offers three masturbation addiction treatment programs, depending on your needs and the approach you think best suits you. 

14-Day Men’s Intensive

The 14-Day Men’s Intensive helps you heal unhealthy sexual behaviors and jumpstart recovery. The program includes:

The intensive is on a gorgeous private campus in a historic home in Berthoud, Colorado.

14-Day Christian Men’s Intensive

The 14-day Boulder Recovery program is a Christian-focused intensive for men of faith with sexual addictions, including masturbation addiction. 

This program, which is in Boulder, Colorado, offers the same amenities and therapeutic options as the other 14-day intensive. The difference is that Boulder Recovery is faith-focused and works to move you into recovery while helping you restore your relationship with God. 

Support for Partners

Masturbation addiction doesn’t just affect you — it impacts all of your relationships. But perhaps no relationship is impacted as much as the one you have with your significant other. 

Partners of men with sex addiction can experience betrayal and trauma as a result of the relationship not being what they thought. 

Your partner deserves to heal and recover during this process, too.

Our virtual Partner Support Program is free to the spouse of any man participating in one of our programs. Participants receive support from a trained program facilitator to help them process and heal from betrayal. During the program, they learn about setting healthy boundaries, self-care, and self-regulation techniques.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Begin Again Institute masturbation addiction treatment programs are transformational experiences. Consider this testimonial from one of the hundreds of men who have started recovery with our help:

Starting Masturbation Addiction Treatment

You don’t have to live with masturbation addiction. Begin Again Institute offers treatment proven to help you address the root cause of masturbation addiction and move into recovery. Call us today at 720-702-4608 to schedule a consultation or to learn more about our treatment programs.


Talk with an Admissions Specialist at 720.702.4608


  • Category:
  • By Begin Again Institute
  • July 18, 2024

What Are the Masturbation Addiction Treatments?

What is Masturbation Addiction

What started as a way to self-soothe has become a habit you can no longer control, even if you try. Seeking masturbation addiction treatment may feel shameful or overwhelming, but you know you need help and can’t continue trying to deal with it alone.

Knowing what treatment options are available can help you make the right choice for yourself and your recovery. 

What is Masturbation Addiction?

Masturbation addiction is a form of hypersexuality disorder that focuses on masturbation. It’s when a person loses control of their sexual impulses and actions, and masturbation becomes something they want to do all the time.

It consumes their thoughts and spills over into their daily responsibilities and relationships.

Unresolved trauma is often the root cause of sex addiction. You begin to rely on sexual outlets to cope with adverse feelings and conflict. In other words, you use it to make you feel better emotionally. Soon your brain becomes wired to need sex to regulate your nervous system and deal with negative or stressful feelings.

Signs of masturbation addiction include:

  • Spending excessive time masturbating
  • Relationships suffering as a result of masturbation habits
  • Masturbation urges interrupt your daily life, preventing you from fulfilling your responsibilities
  • Masturbating in high-risk situations, like in public or at work
  • Masturbating even when you don’t want to
  • Feeling anxiety, guilt, or shame as a result of your behaviors
  • Attempting to stop these behaviors but experiencing withdrawal and intense anxiety 

Effects of Masturbation Addiction

Addiction makes you feel out of control of your life because you can’t control your behaviors. The ever-reaching need for self-pleasure may cause noticeable changes in your mind, body, and relationships.

What once was a healthy release becomes a way to cope with stress and anxiety. Using masturbation as a coping technique causes you to develop a dependence. 

Once your masturbation habits become compulsive, your well-being will likely suffer. 

Effects of masturbation addiction include:

  • Fatigue
  • Abnormal sleep patterns
  • Premature ejaculation, either during masturbation or when with a partner
  • Erectile dysfunction when engaging in partnered sexual activities or when you masturbate
  • Testicular pain
  • Suffering from low self-esteem, which seems to dip lower after masturbating
  • Anxiety and depression 
  • Harm to the important relationships in your life

It may be time to consider treatment if you’re attempting to deal with the harmful effects of masturbation addiction.

Treatment for Masturbation Addiction

Deciding to seek treatment for any sexual addiction is challenging and brave, but you deserve the help you need to recover. There are many treatment options for masturbation addiction, but most involve one-on-one therapy and group support. 


Because trauma is often the root cause of masturbation addiction, you’ll need to work through traumatic experiences with a therapist who can help you heal.

Once you understand how your addiction likely started as a coping mechanism to a traumatic event, or series of events, a qualified therapist can help you develop the skills for healthier coping strategies that will help you regain control of your life.

Ed Tilton, Chief Operating Officer at Begin Again Institute, agreed that therapy helps a person deal with the connection between past emotional wounds and self-destructive behaviors. 

“If the person seeking treatment can go to an intensive or retreat to get a jump start in trauma-focused work, that is always the best way to establish an uninterrupted foundation of recovery,” he said.

Starting with an intensive or residential program can help you get a jump start on healing and move into recovery more quickly.

Support Groups

Addiction is isolating, but you don’t have to be alone in your recovery. Emotional support from others helps motivate change. A way to fulfill this need for connection is with an addiction support group.

“People in treatment need connection,” Ed said. “At the root of all treatment for masturbation addiction is the need for community, connection, and safety. It’s only then that someone who’s struggling can start to develop an understanding of intimacy and the ability to ask for and receive help from others.”

You’ll find empathy, understanding, and support in these groups. Having others with similar experiences can also be a source of inspiration and accountability. It’s nice to know that you aren’t alone in your challenges. 

Coping with Masturbation Addiction

While seeking treatment for masturbation addiction, you also can work on your recovery at home. Like with many things, the more work you’re willing to put into your recovery, the quicker you can begin feeling better. 

Ways to cope with masturbation addiction include:

  • Recognize and avoid hypersexuality triggers from your environment
  • Divert your mind from societal stigmas around masturbation
  • Strengthen your relationships with those who love and support you
  • Develop good habits and coping techniques
  • Get help from counseling services

“It’s unlikely that people can recover from masturbation addiction alone,” Ed said. “So much of treatment is related to reestablishing healthy coping skills and understanding intimacy and relationships. It’s always best done by a professional who can see patterns, traumas, and behaviors for what they are.”

How Begin Again Institute Can Help

Recovering from masturbation addiction isn’t something you likely can do alone. The good news is you can get treatment for masturbation addiction that will help launch you into a life of recovery.

Begin Again Institute specializes in treating sexual addictions and intimacy disorders. We offer a 14-Day Men’s Intensive near Boulder, Colorado, to give you a jump start on your recovery. During the two weeks, you have 24-hour support with one-on-one therapy and group sessions. 

During the intensive, your partner can attend our virtual Partner Support Program. This program ensures you both get the healing and understanding you deserve. This program will also give them the tools they need to help support you when you’ve finished the intensive.

After completing the intensive, you can opt into our monthly Continuing Care membership for ongoing support with a community of people who share similar goals for recovery. 

Contact Begin Again Institute today if you’re ready to start your recovery with the help you deserve.

  • Category: Sex AddictionRecovery
  • By Sako Barbarian
  • November 4, 2022

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